30 Hacks for Digestive Issues

Discover 30+ quick remedies for indigestion, heartburn, and bloating,
 from yoga poses to enzyme-rich foods and stress relief techniques


Indigestion is the polite way to refer to the varying degrees of aches, pains, cramps, flatulence, and other discomforts that afflict our digestive systems at some point during our lives.

As we age many of us spend more time talking about our digestive disorders than we found comfortable or attractive when we overheard our own elders doing the same. Indigestion can be merely uncomfortable "dyspepsia" or full-out intestinal agony that is experienced by folks with serious digestive organ dysfunctions such as Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or any of the many inflammatory intestinal disorders.

The tips below are intended for those times when you can probably trace the reason for your indigestion: you ate too much, you traveled somewhere and indulged in a food you have not ever eaten or not eaten in a long time, ate a meal with something in it that caused a sensitivity or allergic reaction, or have made a life change and find that your digestion is not what it was before. Perhaps you ingested some poison (happens these days) that you want to get rid of fast. Or maybe you just want an effective and inexpensive, readily-available box of tools you can use if indigestion strikes.

Please see or speak to a trusted health care professional in any unusual, suspicious, urgent or ongoing situation for you or a person in your care.

The Heartbreak of Heartburn and What to Do...

30+ Quick Remedies

Some of the suggestions that follow will help you develop good digestive 'tone' and fitness if practiced daily (example: yoga and a 'high raw vegan' way of eating) while others are quick fixes for that third piece of cheesecake at Auntie Martha's birthday bash. I haven't made any clear distinctions between types of digestive ailments. I suggest you just try out one or two that appeal to you. Most of them are pretty easy to accomplish and I have provided brief video clips to assist with many of the techniques. 

Warning: Some of these suggestions might be adverse to people on medications or with allergies, etc. Some of the symptoms of indigestion might be symptoms of more urgent health disorders. Please do your due diligence. Always defer to your trusted health care provider. 

Here they are:

1. Drink a glass of water. Using a straw is sometimes more effective for people who have trouble with taking in excess air when they drink.

2. For acid reflux, or heartburn, that occurs in the morning, it might be helpful to jump out of bed into an upright position as soon as you get an inkling of the reflux coming on. Stay upright until you can deal with the reflux. The following video gives a good explanation of GERD and how you can overcome it through using a simple home test and a remedy to deal with the problem over time.

3. Unbelievably, for many adults, 1 teaspoon (10-15 ml) of unrefined apple cider vinegar in an 8-ounce glass of water, can offset indigestion if taken before meals or whenever heartburn is experienced. Do not use with children, and check to see if there are recorded drug reactions with medications you are on. (See the above video on acid reflux to get a fuller treatment for the occasional or chronic acid reflux (GERD).

4. Another trick is to stir a spoonful of baking soda into an 8-ounce glass of water. It might momentarily taste unpleasant, but it might do the trick and that is what counts until you have a chance to talk to your doctor. See also the video in #2 Tip above to learn more about how baking soda can be a good test medium for saying goodbye to a chronic digestive issue like acid reflux. 

5. Lose a little weight! Drop a few of those unwanted pounds.  If you are having problems with this, a nutritionist is often a good idea to consult, or a health coach with nutrition and exercise certification like my friend, Cindy Dobroskay.You can contact her through Facebook at Revive Health and Fitness  She offers a free Facebook group as well as individual coaching for improved fitness and weight loss.

6. Avoid over-consumption of certain substances, particularly of alcohol, sugar, spices, fats, gluten-containing foods, caffeine, nicotine, and high acid-producing foods (dairy, meat, fried and processed foods)

7. Slow down and chew your foods well. If you actually sit at a table to eat in a dining room painted in calming colors (greens, for example) you will be more likely to take your time.

8. Stress less! The last video in this article is a de-stressing meditation specifically for overcoming digestive issues as they arise. You might also want to try the following exercises to help you de-stress and relieve indigestion:

9. "Relax!" and "breathe!" Learn to slow down your breathing, and to belly-breathe, mindfully quieting down your worried thoughts and focusing on the flow of your breathing.

10. Stretch

11. Shrug your shoulders until tension is released

13. Clench and unclench your hands

14. Rub your head

15. Take a walk

16. Shake it out

17. Consider a Yoga class for stress release. Some possible "asanas" specific to indigestion (as shown with brief video clips) are good to include in your regular Yoga routine as they strengthen the digestion in general.  These include:

18. Revolved Triangle Pose

19. Half Spinal Twist

20. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

21. Wind-Relieving Asana (Pavanamuktasana)

22. Reflexology offers simply-applied and effective release of indigestion using accupressure points (usually on your feet or hands). Here are some examples of fast-fixes:

23. Relax your digestive system with hand reflexology

24. Using reflexology for constipation

25. Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) 

Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a method of tapping on meridians to 'unblock' the energy and can be learned quickly to use overcome the "crappy feelings" associated with indigestion. Tap along with the presenter in the following video:

26. Enzymes are the little chemical molecules that work to break down our foods and aid in digestion. Enzymes are found principally in the oral cavity, the stomach, and the intestines. As we grow older our enzymes lessen in quantity and effectiveness. It's useful to:

Take a regular full-spectrum enzyme supplement before eating. Tropical fruits such as papaya, pineapple, or guava are high in enzymes.

 Work towards eating more raw fruits, greens and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables ("raw vegan") are rich in enzymes. Cooking vegetables and fruits kills the enzymes and may interfere with good digestion.(Talk to your doctor first).

27. Self-massage is a surprisingly effective way to correct constipation. Here is a neat little video that shows you how to do it.

29. 8 Drinks might help to ease your indigestion. Water is the top of the list-- and the other 7 are are also listed HERE.

30. Mixing a teaspoon of activated charcoal in water will aid almost immediately in helping you overcome most forms of indigestion.

31. Increase the use of healthy naturally "cultured" (soured or fermented) foods in your diet, such as cultured vegetables like sauerkraut, fermented drinks such as kefir, and sourdough instead of yeast baked products. The fermented foods will help to replace the important digestive microbes in your gut (probiotics).

32. A Brief Guided Meditation for Digestive Issues

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

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Turn off the news. Throw away the newspaper. Get outside and go for a walk. Dr. Christiane Northrup said going for a walk is a perfectly acceptable form of treatment for certain types of depression!